Batman on Overthinking It

An Unlikely Source of Superhero Fan Fic

An Unlikely Source of Superhero Fan Fic

National Public Radio. This American Life, specifically. This radio show, made famous for its true-life storytelling on subjects ranging from building superintendents to summer camp, occasionally dabbles in the world of fiction. Very occasionally, they dabble in the world of … Continued

The Dark Knight Returns (on DVD)

The Dark Knight Returns (on DVD)

To coincide with the DVD Release of The Dark Knight, here’s a look back at some of our Overthinking™ on the subject. Video The Dark Bailout The Philosophy of Batman The Prisoner’s Dilemma Schopenhauer Edition Political Sociology Edition Literary Theory … Continued

The Dark Bailout

The Dark Bailout

Our society’s institutions are collapsing, and we have lost confidence in our leaders to save us. Wait, didn’t someone make a summer blockbuster about this? Where do we turn in this time of crisis? Here’s what the Joker thinks about … Continued

The Name’s Wayne. Bruce Wayne.

Quantum of Solace Trailer In a world beset by corruption, only one man, playboy by day and above-the-law action hero with access to unbelievable riches and technology by night, can take on a massive criminal syndicate, despite the misgivings of … Continued