Posts by Ryan Sheely on Overthinking It



Want to join the fun? Check out the LOLjoker contest rules and guidelines. Submitted by Mlawski Many, many more entries after the jump!

Cock Rock Commitment

Cock Rock Commitment

It is natural to think of Whitesnake entirely in the past tense; one only ever encounters them duringkaraoke nights, Vh1 Best-Of countdowns, and the occasional feminist musicology/culture studies article. As a result, it is easy to reify the band in … Continued

We All Are Americans

We All Are Americans

Even as McDonalds continues to evoke freedom fries francophobia in new advertisements, there are signs that the popular culture has moved on, and that we are on the brink of a new era in French-American relations. The ambassador of this … Continued

Obama Rasta

Obama Rasta

Last week, I was sitting in a bar in the village of Ngare Ndare in northern Kenya, nursing a Krest Bitter Lemon, and listening to the radio. The radio was tuned to Metro FM, “Kenya’s House of Reggae.” Amidst the … Continued