Monthly Archives: December 2011

Think Tank: When Good Shows Go Bad

Think Tank: When Good Shows Go Bad

A lot of great shows run out of steam long before they leave the airwaves. In this Think Tank, the Overthinkers discuss those once mighty shows and why they fell. What show do you think fell furthest and why?

Open Thread for December 16, 2011

Open Thread for December 16, 2011

Angels sing, are you harking? Open Threads, full of snarking It’s Oscar-bait season Enough of a reason To Overthink a winter Open Thread … We’re getting closer to Christmas, Overthinkers! Light an Advent / Hanukkah candle and make a wish, … Continued

The West Wing: Where To Begin?

The West Wing: Where To Begin?

While we wait for Stokes to complete his Cowboy Bebop series (c’mon, man), I’m about to embark on one of my own. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be delving into one of those early 21st-century touchstones that everyone else … Continued