The Biblical Terminator: Heteroglossic Discourse and Poetic Authority in “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”
How “Terminator 2” imitates the epic language, and the problematic self-contradictions, of The Bible.
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How “Terminator 2” imitates the epic language, and the problematic self-contradictions, of The Bible.
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Can Terminator get any worse than it is already? Oh yes, it can.
What we talk about when we talk about fate.
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip, that started from Sydney, Australia, aboard Oceanic Flight 815.
The OTI readers who have seen all of Lost ask someone who has seen only one and a half seasons their burning questions. This’ll work.
“No Fate” did not spring fully formed from James Cameron’s skull. It’s a messy doctrine from a narrative point of view, and from a meta-narrative point of view, it’s the undoing of the franchise.