Shechner, Shoot ‘Em Up
Lawdy-loo, Shoot ‘Em Up. If the late Chuck Heston had somehow gotten into an 80’s-style grandpa/grandson mind-swap comedy with David Lee Roth, this movie is what would be going on in that hybrid’s head at all times. To set the tone for you, here’re the closing credits, which do an adequate job of summarizing the film a… more discretely than the piece itself:
The bullet-holes-to-boobs thing is probably a puberty metaphor of some sort.
Years ago I heard this bit of industry lore–maybe you’ve heard it too–though it’s almost certainly apocrypha. Apparently, in its first drafts Good Will Hunting was an action-packed spy movie. The Matt Damon character remained the everyman-cum-superman with which we’re all familiar, but in this version he allegedly uses his photographic memory and indefatigable mathematical mind to foil international terror plots and rapidly ascend the ranks of the CIA. In the final script, all that remains of this purported earlier effort is the scene where Will is recruited by a government agency, and turns them down with rough-and-tumble Bostonian street-wit. One can only imagine what the original would look like: Matt Damon a covert op, the only man alive with the skills to take out an international conspiracy. They’re probably call it something stupid.
Anyway, I’m pretty much dead certain that this is exactly how Shoot ‘Em Up came to be, except the final product into which it matured is called Children of Men. Can’t you just see it? Some stupidly ambitious screen-writer loves the book, but decides that he wants to move into a bold, new artistic direction with it:
Clive Owen has to reluctantly shepherd a baby through a firefight?
Cool, we’ll keep that, but replace post-apocalytpic military factions with countless mafioso assasins.
The baby’s of profound phiosophical and political importance?
Um, drop the philosophy, but yeah, that’ll do. Oh, and now baby likes bitchin’ Heavy Metal!
The film conjures basic questions about the meaning of parenthood and society?
Paul Giamatti: master assassin. Ponder as you like.
Clive Owen is compelled to act through entanglements with a lost love?
Kinda’, but let’s also have him get it on with a lactating hooker. In a firefight.
I’m sorry, what?
Yep. Ooh, let’s make the baby’s mom a hooker, too!
You’ve replaced the moral, social and philosophical implications of the text with hookers?
There are assassins, too. In my philosophy, it’s basically hookers and assassins, all the way down.
Somewhere along the line, the writer was inevitably grief-stricken enough to make amends, or killed and replaced with a Replicate capable of following orders. Hence the film we know as Children of Men. But somehow, somewhere, that original draft remained, and either as the result of a lost bar bet, or some weird inter-dimensional transporter accident, it was birthed onto the world stage for all to view in abject, awe-stricken wonderment.
…and then to shuttle it to safety amidst a hellfire of bullets.
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Willow is just….inspired! If only fenzel could have shoehorned Madmartigan, the single greatest swordsman ever, into his post…
German Hard Boiled, that’s got to be best breakfast ever!
I went with Children of Men. It’s got tank shells going through walls with a baby involved. Tank shells beat deconstructionist faux reality TV shows by about 146mm (155mm tank minus the 9mm Beretta she’s using).
It’s a little ridiculous how few of these gunfights actually involve shooters holding babies.
Children of Men. Because A) the baby is relevant to the story, B) the battle is one of the most intense I’ve ever seen in cinema, and C) long-takes are uber-cool.
Wow, I’ve seen _The Contenders_! Years ago, late at night on HBO.
That is one low-budget movie with some low rent production values, but you can tell it was a labor of love.
And sorry Jonathan, while I was typing my post Madmartigan was busy outside fighting the giant troll/dragon monster.
Hardboiled ahs a pretty intense gunfight while holding a baby, and it takes place inside of a hospital.
If only there had been a baby involved in _Unforgiven_, since that is, indeed, my favorite western.
Alack, alas, ’tis not the case. I went with _Children of Men_, too.
Immediately thought of Lek (Leak) a Dutch crime movie from 2000. Devoted father and drug dealer Jack shoots his way out of an ambush strapped with his 8-month old kid in a frontal carrier bag.
Actor got the highest Dutch acting performance award for the role.