Monthly Archives: November 2008

A question

A question

So in New York, you sometimes see these ugly giant inflatable rats around. They’re brought in by the unions whenever there’s a strike. Here’s my question: if the workers at the factory where they make giant inflatable rats go on … Continued

The New Design

We’re excited to launch a new design on Overthinking It today. We hope the wider format, fancy moving graphics, clearer typography (we harldy Courier New ye), and prominent placement of posts from the archives makes the site a more enjoyable … Continued

Michael Crichton Dies

Michael Crichton Dies

Sorry to once again be the (late) bearer of bad news, but the (late) Bard of Brachiosaurs, Michael Crichton, has died. Barring a mosquito that drank his blood on a beach vacation, then rested on a tree only to be … Continued

Overthinking Politics: A Look Back

Overthinking Politics: A Look Back

Some highlights of our Overthought™ political coverage. Don’t forget to vote. Video The Dark Bailout Yes Grimace Can Verbs: Absent Audio Obama Rasta Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles KRANG BAILOUT FAILS Foot Clan Declares Bankruptcy KRANG RESCUE APPROVED Shredder: Tonight I … Continued