Monthly Archives: August 2008

The Future of Superhero Movies

The Future of Superhero Movies

Well, it’s official.  According to A.O. Scott, one of the main film critics of the New York Times, superheroes are SO OVER.  Well.  I guess there won’t be anymore superhero movies, then. Okay, so we all know that’s not going … Continued

What Evil Drives

What Evil Drives

Once again, Overthinkingit hops into the saddle for Stacie Ponder’s Final Girl Film Club. This month’s pick:  The Car. Can we all just take a minute to consider how stupid that title is, by the way?  Sure, there’s a proud … Continued

I’m just getting warmed up

Part 3 in a series of disgruntled rants. So towards the beginning of the movie, Dr. Jones tells us: Legend says that a crystal skull was stolen from a mythical lost city in the Amazon, supposedly built out of solid … Continued