Monthly Archives: October 2008

Gossip Girl: What's My Motivation?

Gossip Girl: What’s My Motivation?

The last episode of Gossip Girl continued the show’s return to form, and thankfully contained various acts of wanton cruelty. try to humiliate her best friend, crush an innocent underclassman, thwart her mother’s crucial fashion show not once, not twice, … Continued

Help Me Make Sex Sexier

Help Me Make Sex Sexier

I’m going to try and keep this post SFW. But since it’s all about sex, I’m not sure how successful I’ll be. I don’t need to lecture you all on the importance of proper branding. It can take a bad … Continued

Thursday Grammar: Short Lived

Thursday Grammar: Short Lived

[I have lately been noticing more and more of the most appalling errors in English grammar and usage. And not just from the president. Maybe I’m getting old and curmudgeonly. So that you are spared the embarrassment of the most … Continued