Are Celebrities People?
How “This is the End” proves that it literally takes a miracle to make public figures sympathetic.
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How “This is the End” proves that it literally takes a miracle to make public figures sympathetic.
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An analysis of the analysis of the portrayal of women in movies.
What does the marketing campaign for “Ender’s Game” tell us about how the movie will tackle the central moral dilemma of the story? And what’s with the “Starship Trooper”-esque commercials?
Does General Zod have the authority to demand the extradition of Superman by the United States?
The X-Men film franchise has generated much of its conflict from the idea that the unknown nature of mutants ledas lead to fear, hatred, and inevitably, backlash. This is of course no accident – the X-Men were started in the … Continued
We lay odds on what Trailer Tropes will be included in the upcoming Ender’s Game teaser.