Irony on Overthinking It

Big Brother is Hugging You

Big Brother is Hugging You

The moral values that have held together this country and this world are in an advanced stage of decay. From schools to shops to our own homes, we turn on one another — race against race, religion against religion, nation … Continued



Want to join the fun? Check out the LOLjoker contest rules and guidelines. Submitted by Mlawski Many, many more entries after the jump!

Episode 4: Pubic Servant

Episode 4: Pubic Servant

All Episodes Subscribe in iTunes Belinkie, Wrather, and Fenzel analyze presidential and gubernatorial sex scandals throughout American history, touching on Eliot Spitzer and “Kristen” (Ashley Alexandra Dupré), Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, Hugh Grant and a cut rate Sunset Blvd. … Continued

The Many Betrayals of Sean Bean

The Many Betrayals of Sean Bean

GoldenEye (1995) Role: Alec Trevelyan, British secret agent 006. Betrayal: He becomes the leader of a terrorist organization trying to destroy Britain. The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Role: Boromir, one of the nine companions assigned to protect Frodo from … Continued