Episode 642: One Photon of Daylight

On the Overthinking It Podcast we’ll do the opposite of last week and talk about the tiny delights that are getting us through these times.

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Were we too hard on the world last week? OK, we’re back for the Kudos-cast, where Peter Fenzel, Mark Lee, and Matthew Wrather overthink the small—even trivial—things giving them delight in these unprecedented™ times.

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One Comment on “Episode 642: One Photon of Daylight”

  1. John C Member #

    The game-quality discussion reminds me of Cheap Ass Games (https://cheapass.com/) in their previous form. They’ve drifted from the premise over the years, but for a long time, their business model (before the “Eurogame invasion,” I guess) was that individual games were generally simple and disposable. So, what you really wanted was was for the individual games to be no-frills, but have one set of high-quality tokens, dice, fake money, and so forth, that are shared between the games.

    My rule for writing from my college days is to always use ink, except in chemistry labs, because just about everything is a solvent for some part of the ink. I could’ve used a more ergonomic pen last week, though, because I participated in a “get out the vote”-style letter-writing campaign and barely made it through twenty letters.

    The thing that pleased me recently, though, was rewatching two old webseries, Where Are the Joneses? (https://www.youtube.com/user/wherearethejoneses/videos) and the Lizzie Bennet Diaries (http://www.pemberleydigital.com/the-lizzie-bennet-diaries/story-lbd/). The first is a short-form sitcom about a British woman who learns that her father is a sperm donor, along with a couple dozen other siblings across Europe. The other is a vlog (and social media) adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, my favorite of the many Jane Austen adaptations out there.

    Near the start of the quarantines, though, I also splurged on a sleep mask from Allbirds. They don’t seem available anymore, but the nice aspect is space molded around the eye sockets. The nose also comes to a rigid beak that does a nice job keeping me from sleeping face-down.


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