Episode 426: Gotta Catch And Release ’Em All

On the Overthinking It Podcast, we take a break from pop culture to step outside, rub our bleary eyes, and talk about the great outdoors in light of #NPS100.

Ben Adams, Peter Fenzel, Mark Lee, and Matthew Wrather usually spend their summers cooped up in dark, air-conditioned movie theaters. But for this episode, they emerge into the great American wilderness, slap on the sunblock and the bug spray, and trek through our National Parks and Forests wondering why there are no good landscape shots in movies anymore.

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3 Comments on “Episode 426: Gotta Catch And Release ’Em All”

  1. Dave king #

    Hi Matt, in your recent podcast starting with the description of minor thirds you forgot to mention the most famous example, the bridge of the song “somewhere over the rainbow”. It’s in the movie the Wizard of Oz which most Americans know.


  2. David Banuelos #

    Great podcast, as always. With all the talk about “the great outdoors,” I’m disappointed that there was no mention of The Great Outdoors starring John Candy and Dan Aykroyd. My disappointment is perhaps partially due to the fact that my father, who was a carpenter for Universal Studios, helped build the house featured in that movie.


  3. Lemur #

    In this episode, Matt Wrather, who can recite verbatim and from memory entire poetry anthologies — Matt Wrather, the world’s foremost expert of female singer-songwriters of the 1990s — yea, that that very same Matt Wrather, at around eleven minutes into the recording, misquotes an Ani DiFranco lyric.

    Specifically, the correct lyric is “the font of twenty percent more,” not “the font of twenty percent off.” This is probably a very interesting specific substitution. What is the difference? I can’t go into the multiple levels of irony and the attitude about consumer culture and Tverskian risk bias assumptions, but I can do math. The original lyric means you get 6 for the price of 5, whereas Matt’s substitution gives you 5 for the price of 4, which is a slightly better deal.


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