Look what Salon decided to do!

Sum up your life in six words Since we at Overthinking It have been doing this before Salon, but after the New York Times, let’s show them! Contributors, readers: give us your six-word life! In six words!

Sum up your life in six words

Since we at Overthinking It have been doing this before Salon, but after the New York Times, let’s show them!

Contributors, readers: give us your six-word life! In six words!

4 Comments on “Look what Salon decided to do!”

  1. fenzel #

    Born free, but everywhere in chains.

    Talk and talk and talk and —


  2. Stokes #

    Watched, obsessed over, stopped watching, Lost.


  3. Scott #

    born grounded, but found my wings


  4. Gregfosho #

    Floating aimlessly down a carved path.


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