TV Recap: 24: Live Another Day, 3 p.m.-4 p.m.

Fenzel, Bauer, and Al-Harazi face the consequences of their actions, and there’s no one to blame but themselves…

Ryan has left the real-time recap in search of coffee, so Pete has time to reflect on 24’s major characters accepting the consequences of their actions, until he hears a familiar, long-lost chirp…


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5 Comments on “TV Recap: 24: Live Another Day, 3 p.m.-4 p.m.”

  1. Jamas #

    I can see them skipping 4-5. There’s nothing particular of note happening then, and other things cued up for later.

    Speaking of Spooks, Miranda Raison (who was in Spooks) is playing an aide to the Prime Minister, and she even got her own brief one-shot in this episode, so she’ll play a bigger role… and finally be a mole we’ve been waiting for? (She’s the mole we need, not the mole we deserve.)


  2. TFZL #

    So as we approach halfway there are a few 24 tropes I’m curious about.

    Do you think Jack will play the ultimate 24 trump card and demand immunity or will his sense of duty carry the day?

    Will there be enough time for more “formal” torture? I’m thinking probably not because there isnt enough time to bring some back to base.

    Final thought, if anyone follows Premier League soccer do they think the chief of staff looks like David Moyes?


    • Margo #

      I predict Jack’s sense of duty will carry the day. I asked the same question on Day 7: Bill spoke to Taylor on Jack’s behalf, but ultimately Jack’s exposure to the weaponized virus made the point of immunity moot since his death was assumed to be imminent. Since Jack was a free man at the start of Day 8, we can assume that immunity was granted before Jack went out and committed a fresh batch of crimes.


  3. babybiceps #

    These guest star spots are a great feature! Keep them coming.

    Before the episode started I was convinced Naveed needed to stay alive because he alone was able to control multiple drones simultaneously, like he had some Rain Mannish skill set for that. Of course, like most 24 speculations, that went through the window at the hour’s end. Which raises the question, what was the effing point of keeping him around? Best guess: checking off another trope.


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