Episode 530: The First Sharknado was Much More Serious

On the Overthinking It Podcast, we tackle the “Sharknado” movie series and different dimensions of badness in entertainment.

On the Overthinking It Podcast, we watched Sharknado—all six of them—so you didn’t have to. Matt Belinkie, Pete Fenzel, and Mark Lee discuss the surprising Greek tragedy of its overarching storyline, the meaning of those insane celebrity cameos, and different dimensions of badness in entertainment.

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One Comment on “Episode 530: The First Sharknado was Much More Serious”

  1. John C #

    You know, I didn’t really have any interest in seeing the movies until Pete mentioned that they’re produced by The Asylum. Movies that aspire to “so bad it’s good” invariably fall short, but the mockbuster is an artform I kind of enjoy, at least in an “it would be fun to see how this would evolve under a Creative Commons license” kind of way…

    Speaking of “so bad it’s good,” I should point out Vice’s interview with Tara Reid around the time of the first Sharknado, where she’s excited to find someone who didn’t enjoy the movie and admits that it’s still a good career move. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/8gdxnv/tarafied-hanging-out-tara-reid


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