Episode 318: The Awe is in the AWEsome Mix

The Overthinkers tackle “Guardians of The Galaxy”.

Pete Fenzel and Matthew Wrather overthink Guardians of the Galaxy, the Gathering of the Juggalos, and the special properties of Ibiza.


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5 Comments on “Episode 318: The Awe is in the AWEsome Mix”

  1. Snitty #

    Regarding after credit scenes:

    While the original one was Fury and pretty dramatic (followed by Tony Stark appearing after The Incredible Hulk) lately there has been an important mid-credit scene, and a whimsical after-credits scene.

    Avengers: Thanos (mid), Shwarma (post)
    Iron Man 3: (no mid), Hulk the Therapist (post)
    Thor II: The Collector (mid), Giant Beasts in London (post)
    Cap II: Avengers II (mid), Bucky (post, not funny)
    Guardians: (no mid), Howard the Duck (post).

    It seems like the mid credit scene would have been a good place for an Ant Man Teaser, and the dancing Groot seems tagged on. It’s possible the production difficulties with Ant Man prevented that mid-credit scene from happening in time for Guardians.


  2. Redem #

    I do have one question….if Groot is interested in money, what does he spend his money on?


  3. Adrian #

    Richard Moll is totally the Groot of Night Court.

    As someone who grew up repeatedly watching Howard the Duck taped from TV before he was old enough to realize how execrable it is, I am FULLY BEHIND the possibility of a good movie in there somewhere. It could be something of a Marvel side story, with a quick reference or two to the events of the other films in its dialogue, quality comedic actors, and no huge stars. I mean hell, if Ted is getting a sequel, there is hope for Howard, right?

    Actually, the best we can probably expect is for him to show up in a few scenes in the sequel to Guardians of the Galaxy, probably with a ton of conflict with Rocket over the position of the team’s half-anthropomorphized-animal member.


  4. joemack #

    Tholian Web, ST TOS, along with Starfighter for web in space.
    Does anyone have a good link for Guardians guide to pop cultural references?


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