Peter Fenzel, Mark Lee, and Matt Wrather overthink their thoughts about what little we know of Star Wars: Episode VII, and talk about good fans make bad sequels.
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Further Reading
- Faye Dunaway, Steve Guttenberg, Jack Nicholson, and Matthew Wrather on IMDb
- The Guttenberg Bible: A Memoir by Steve Gutenberg (affiliate link)
- List of Police Academy Characters on Wikipedia
- I, Frankenstein on (affiliate link)
- Star Wars on IMDb
- Fade In Michael Piller google search
- Joseph Campbell: Film on Wikipedia!
- Londo Mollari (character) on IMDb
- 4 Rules to Make Star Wars geat Again video and followup essay
- Think Tank: What Do the Stormtroopers Think of Vader? on Overthinking It
- Sharktopus: Sequel on Wikipedia
- The Anxiety of Influence on Wikipedia, and a contemporary review by John Hollander, in pace requiescat hates spider-people.
We more or less had a Sith Faye Dunaway when she played the villainous sorceress in 1984’s “Supergirl.” You also get a slumming and probably drunk Peter O’Toole as a quasi-Obi Wan figure in a bangin’ Cosby sweater.
It’s not very good.
Yes, Ralph Garman was in Sharktopus. Sharktopus kills him.
Thank you! I thought I remembered that! IMDB, you have erased part of film history! A glorious part!
Throughout the podcast, I was thinking a lot about start-up culture, and the difference between getting a single company to succeed and making companies that succeed consistently. One of the biggest problems with replicating something like Star Wars is simple regression to the mean – as you say on the podcast, something like Star Wars or Robocop works not just becuase there’s something about the franchise that worked, but becuase a certain “just right” combination of people came together and made something that was “just right” for a particular time period.
And the act of creating that “just right” thing can change the landscape in a way that makes repetition all but impossible – if Mark Zuckerberg tried to make a new company, it might work, it might not, but no one would expect that the new company would replicate Facebook’s success (or ditto to any other startup/CEO).
Watching Amazing Spider-man 2 I got this overthinking it type question
Spider-man uses the Spider-man cartoon show theme song as his ringtone
What is this song about in the Amazing Spider-man world?
Matt, as a fellow SoCal native, I would expect you to remember the name Ralph Garman. He’s been part of a popular morning radio show for 15 odd years.
Sure, but my radio is only ever tuned to KCRW.
Also you should hear him on his podcast with Kevin Smith, always funny.
Lando should be a no-brainer for the new movie, Billy Dee Williams just made an episode of glee (s05e19).
I really thought this podcast would be about how Disney has eliminated the Star Wars EU as canon. Talk about a misleading title.
MEGR – I also thought that, I have thoughts but they aren’t overthinking or thinking they’re just rage and sorrow.
Lando is going to be in the television series Rebels, and played by Billy Dee.