Peter Fenzel, Mark Lee, and special guest Mark Malkoff talk about what it’s like to watch 404.25 hours of movies on Netflix in a single month, the child rock sensation Lil’ G’n’R, and the preciousness of Wes Anderson and Moonrise Kingdom.
For more on Mark Malkoff:
Watch the Mark Malkoff’s Netflix Challenge video:
Follow him on Twitter, visit his website, and visit his My Damn Channel page, where the “Dinner with Bill Murray” web series will premiere soon (correction to the podcast: the web series hasn’t started yet, but it’s been covered in the press already.)
Watch the Lil’ G’n’R video:
To understand what Pete was talking about during the Moonrise Kingdom conversation, read the Wikipedia article on Verfremdungseffekt (distancing effect).
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You guys are funny! Guys!
Marathoning: These summer event movies are starting to do marathons of precursors to the current release. There were marathon package showings of the Marvel movies (except for either Hulk ones) before The Avengers (I almost did it, had a job thing I couldn’t get out of); there were marathons of the entire Dark Knight trilogy (I did that one, yay-uh). I’m wondering if there will be marathons of the LotR movies before part one of The Hobbit (even though technically, this one is a prequel), but even if not, I do think it’s more likely there will be combination-showings of both parts when the second one premieres.
Okay, so the point of that was marketing. Challenges aside, marathoning a bunch of movies in a row isn’t really something that’s all that common for people to do on a whim at home. But turning it into a marketable event is a brilliant way of increasing revenues for theater and production companies. It’s really (Full disclosure: I organized a campus-wide showing of all three LotR extended versions when I was in college, and no, there was no desire for profit or anything like that.)
Mark Lee: Have you ever seen the series Pushing Daisies? There’s an episode with a Civil War soldier descendant you may (or may not…) enjoy…
Fenzel, I actually agree with you 100% about the cost (in dollars) of being morally superior. There were a lot of class divisions on my college campus, with the more affluent students looking down their noses at less affluent ones because the former grew up in households that couldn’t afford to buy local, free-range, etc. and thus had no interest in going vegetarian or what-have-you. When talking about food specifically, look into Raj Patel (particularly The Value of Nothing) for a look at how the market structures in modern society perpetuate class divisions and disparity. The basic idea can be stretched to other areas of life, though. But this is the beginning of a really long, political rant that I should probably avoid.
I still love you but this feels like an episode of The Nerdist. I don’t mean that as a compliment.