Underthinking It: The Musical Talmud: “The Star Spangled Banner” By Jimi Hendrix

You’d think that this supposedly great musician would actually sing while playing his guitar, but no.

This is quite possibly the worst Jimi Hendrix song of all time.


Where to start? The lyrics? I mean, there…are…NO…lyrics. None. You’d think that this supposedly great musician would actually sing while playing his guitar, but no. We are meant to be content with listening to almost 4 minutes of utterly self-indulgent noise-making that passes for music.

And I haven’t even gotten to the worst part. He makes a MOCKERY of “The Star Spangled Banner,” which, in case you didn’t know, is the national anthem of the United States of America, which, in case you didn’t know, is the most awesomest country in the world. And we were at war at the time! In 1969, over 11,000 Americans died in Vietnam. You’d think that musicians would try harder to play a faithful rendition of the national anthem during a time of war, to, you know, support our country and our troops, but NO. He has to “make a statement” or “protest the war.” I bet at least 5,000 of those 11,000 dead soldiers could have been saved if he inspired our country with a better rendition of this song.

Pinko commie. When has the United States ever been in a war worth protesting? Especially with whiny guitar music?

3 Comments on “Underthinking It: The Musical Talmud: “The Star Spangled Banner” By Jimi Hendrix”

  1. Brian #

    I bet this hippie freakshow would have whined about the Civil War, love it or leave it fruitcake!


  2. Evan #

    Hendrix served in the air force.


  3. Josh #

    Dont hate on Hendrix man..


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