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The Best of Overthinking It, 10th Anniversary Edition

Our celebration of Overthinking It’s 1oth Anniversary continues with this rundown of the most-read article from each year of the site’s existence. Enjoy, and add your favorites in the comments below!

2008: 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes

Over the years, we’ve heard reports of this video being played before sporting events, final exams, break-up conversations, coup d’etats…pretty much any situation conceivable where humans need to go a little beyond what they’re usually capable of.

2009: Slumdog Millionaire: How Much is 20 Million Rupees, Anyway?

Remember when this movie won Best Picture at the Oscars and was the talk of the town? Yeah, me neither. Still, a bunch of people keep googling this question, and we are more than happy to provide them with the answer, illustrated with many, many graphs.

2010: The Female Character Flowchart

A sort of companion piece to “Why Strong Female Characters are Bad for Women” (the second-most read piece on Overthinking It), this chart still boggles the mind with its obsessive level of detail. Click to embiggen:

2011: The Economics of Death Star Planet Destruction

We start with a simple question: what’s the Empire’s economic calculus for blowing up planets? Aren’t they concerned about their Gross Galactic Product going down?

Then we go down every conceivable rat-hole, touching upon Marxism, mercantilism, Ancient Rome, and the war in Afghanistan.

2012: The Law and Order Database

With A LOT of help from reader Josh Kyu Saiewitz, we compiled a database of  EVERY trial outcome in Law and Order, then made a ton of graphs.


2013: Candy Crush: When Games Pretend to Be Games They Aren’t

Admit it, you were probably playing Candy Crush on your phone a few minutes ago. But did you realize it’s a JRPG in disguise?

2014: Overthinking Cowboy Bebop, Sessions 25 & 26

Yes, we know we made you all wait four years between the last two installments of the epic Cowboy Bebop series, but it was worth the wait, no?

2015: Martian Law: Is Mark Watney Really a Space Pirate?

This article does not constitute legal advice on any planet, and clicking on this link does not establish an attorney-client relationship between you and this website. But it does give some practical advice for you to consider the next time you’re thinking of breaking the law in space.

2016: Revealing the Real Box Office Champ

Under a very specific set of criteria, the number one movie in America of all time is…Crocodile Dundee. We were surprised, too.

2017: The Morality of Passengers, Part 1 and Part 2

In which we subject a little-seen, little-loved sci-fi movie to a level of scrutiny it REALLY didn’t deserve. But we did it anyway, ’cause that’s how we roll here.

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