
McCain-Palin: The Romance Novel - Overthinking It
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McCain-Palin: The Romance Novel

An old man, a war hero with a dark past, is suddenly and unexpectedly paired with a young maiden from the wilderness.  Haven’t I seen this one before?

“HEY,” you might be thinking, “What happened to the awesome McCain-Palin Buddy Cop movie poster you promised as a follow up to the awesome Obama-Biden Buddy Cop movie poster?? What kind of liberal, sexist trash is this?”

Well, let me explain what kind of liberal, sexist trash this is after the jump…

The real reason has nothing to do with McCain and Palin making for a good romance novel cover (just being opposite genders covered that much–is that sexist?).  No, the real reason is that McCain and Palin make a very poor Buddy Cop movie pairing.  They’re both white.  They weren’t former rivals.  Since Palin has such a short and obscure political history, we can’t tell if she really provides the same contrast to McCain that Biden does for Obama or Starsky does for Hutch.

But then there’s the all important gender issue. The Wikipedia article on Buddy Cop movies lists almost 40 examples of the genre, and as far as I can tell, only two are male-female pairings.  One’s a porno (Hawaii Vice), and the other is…Theodore Rex:

That’s right, Whoopi Goldberg plays a female cop opposite a male…DINOSAUR…cop.  Needless to say, this one went straight to video (here’s a YouTube link…I know you want to see how this turned out).

Notice how tempting it was to make an ageist joke about John McCain being a dinosaur.  Notice how tastefully and graciously I avoided it: by doing a romance novel cover instead.

God, I love elevating the level of discourse. And speaking of discourse, some questions for the comments:

  1. Did I miss any notable male-female buddy cop pairings? TV shows count.
  2. For those with more knowledge of romance novels than I do, are there any reasons why McCain-Palin do or don’t make a good romance novel pairing (aside from the fact that they’re not in a torrid love affair)?
  3. Got a better tagline/title/pen name for a prominent Republican for the romance novel cover?  If so, I’ll make a new version of the cover and post it along with the Obama-Biden sequel poster (still accepting suggestions for that one in the comments).

(Note: Special thanks to Mr. Stokes for helping with the concept.  I.e., if you think this is sexist, blame him.)

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