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Open Thread for June 19, 2009

Fortunately, you can’t kill vampires with a car. According to Reuters, “Twilight star Robert Pattinson was hit by a taxi in New York as he tried to run away from a crowd of hysterical teenage fans, but he was not seriously injured, US media reported.”

I feel sorry for the guy. You really look like a wuss when you have to retreat to defend yourself from from adolescent girls.

We haven’t gotten really excited about a movie this summer (except, that is, for rewatching Ghostbusters for Ghostbusters Week) since Star Trek. (We liked Up, but that’s not quite the same as being excited.) Will that change this weekend with Year One? Hey, what do you think of George Michael Bluth’s…er…Michael Cera’s movie career? A long down-slope form Juno to Nick and Nora to whatever quirky™ indie comedy comes next?

And, since none of us have seen the movie, we should really take this opportunity to pontificate about Bruno and whether it’s offensive to gay people.

Also, a little announcement: we’re excited to be exchanging guest posts next week with the fascinating guys at the Ecocomics blog. I won’t say exactly what they’re writing about—it’s not, strictly speaking, comics-related—but I will say it involves zombies.

I’m particularly excited to have these guys OTI. When Belinkie sent a link to the site around to our email list we discovered that a number of us were already fan of their work. For example, they take up the question of whether Batman villains should betray each other, analyzing it in terms of the Prisoner’s Dilemma (and offering a clear explanation as to why the rational choice to play the strictly dominant strategy leads to outcomes that are Pareto inefficient). You may remember Mlawski’s similar analysis of The Dark Knight Returns…see? They’re right up our alley. Stay tuned.

(Like game theory? Learn it where most of the OTI writers did.)

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