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The Overview: Batman (1989)

Welcome to “The Overview,” a series of alternative film commentaries where the gang from from Overthinking It—the smartest, funniest pop culture site on the whole internet—watch and discuss their favorite movies in real time.

Save 16% when you buy Batman together with our Overview of Superman (1978) and use the code JUSTICE.

In 1989, decades before Christopher Nolan gave us a dark, gritty, realistic vision of Batman and Gotham City, Tim Burton gave us his own dark, gritty, yet wildly imaginative vision of this classic superhero story. Pete Fenzel, Mark Lee, and Richard Rosenbaum dive deep into the movie’s genderqueering themes, find methods to the Joker’s madness, and place this particular story in the context of the broader Batman mythology.

And of course, we medidate on the famous question that this movie poses: “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?”

Spoiler alert: we have, and it was lovely.

You’ll need your own copy of the film in any format, and a way to play the downloadable MP3 commentary alongside it.

While you’re at it, check out all of the installments of The Overview, the commentary series that listeners have called call “So good, I don’t even need the movie to enjoy them.” (Don’t get us wrong, we recommend you play the movie too. But it was awfully nice of them to say.)

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