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The Overview: Back To The Future Trilogy

Welcome to “The Overview,” a series of alternative film commentaries where the gang from from Overthinking It—the smartest, funniest pop culture site on the whole internet—watch and discuss their favorite movies in real time.

These commentary tracks are your perfect companion for the individual movies or for a marathon viewing of the entire trilogy. We cover every angle of all three films, from the pop culture of each of the decades that Doc and Marty visit, to the major themes and motifs of the series, to the most minute details of what make these characters and stories so memorable.

Virtual Box Set

This special “Virtual Box Set” collects our commentary tracks for all three of the “Back to The Future” that were recorded during the month of October 2015 in honor of the 30th anniversary of the release of BTTF, and to help celebrate October 21, 2015 (aka the day that Doc and Marty visit in BTTF 2). These are films and that are best enjoyed together, so you’ll definitely want all three commentary tracks to go along with your next viewing of the trilogy. But if you want just a taste, you can get:

Part I

Peter Fenzel and Ryan Sheely cover Back to the Future, tackling the symbolism of clocks and dances, the DeLorean’s place in the American auto industry of the 1980s, why Marty McFly is so cool, and how to identify the religious aspects of time travel in the BTTF universe.

Part II

Our BTTF II commentary track features Pete Fenzel, Ryan Sheely, Richard Rosenbaum, and Rachel D, discussing how Marty changed between the first and second films, what genre this film is, and what the film’s vision of 2015 says about the state of pop culture in 1989.

Part III

Pete Fenzel, Ryan Sheely, and Richard Rosenbaum conclude the series, with topics including the many forms of Western film that appear in this movie, the self-actualization of Doc Brown, and how to understand time travel as a creative act.

While you’re at it, check out all of the installments of The Overview, the commentary series that listeners have called call “So good, I don’t even need the movie to enjoy them.” (Don’t get us wrong, we recommend you play the movie too. But it was awfully nice of them to say.)

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