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The Overthinking It 2014 Reader Survey

As we start 2014, we’re taking stock. It’s been a year of transition for Overthinking It, with a lot of awesome new initiatives as well as, frankly, some growing pains as we struggle to keep up work on the site in our rapidly dwindling number of non-work, non-family hours. We love to make Overthinking It and we love the community that has developed here, and we want to focus on making the things that you are most excited about reading, hearing, and watching.

So we figured we’d ask you what you’re into. Here is the first ever Overthinking It Reader Survey. If it turns out to be useful, we might make it an annual thing. We’d like to know what your favorite (and also least favorite) parts of the site are, how you think of us, and some information about what movies, TV, and music you’re into these days. It’s anonymous, and we’d be glad if you’re honest; no need to be too nice or too mean, just tell us the good parts and the bad parts honestly.

As an incentive to participate, we will give away a $25 Amazon gift certificate to one lucky respondent, whom we will choose randomly from all the responses submitted before January 6. Not bad for five minutes of “work!” (Of course, winning will require that you give us your email address on the form, which makes it not anonymous, but we will be looking at the data in aggregate and don’t intend to correlate the list of addresses with their corresponding responses.)

Update 2014-01-09T10:25:19-0800: Thanks everyone for participating, and congratulations to one lucky randomly selected respondent who gets an Amazon gift card. Let’s keep up the overthinking for 2014!

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