
Underthinking It: Project Runway: Teams – Look upon Human Nature, and Despair - Overthinking It
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Underthinking It: Project Runway: Teams – Look upon Human Nature, and Despair

[Enjoy this guest post by Jessica Lévai!!! – Ed]

So, the creative forces behind Project Runway decided that this season, every challenge would be a team challenge. Designers would be forced to work together to solve creative problems, and in the end be rewarded when one representative of their team was deemed worthy of either the prize or the hook. In modeling the competition this way, the show has peeled away the veneer covering humanity’s bitchy, back-biting essence and shown conclusively why the world sucks so much.

If you believe in the fundamental decency of people in the face of adversity, you have never watched a group of them try to create a runway-ready look out of flowers and hardware. Why hold out hope that humanity will someday cure cancer or solve global warming, when it’s clear that people can’t even set a sleeve without fighting over “personal vision” or who threw whom under the bus last week? In a world of infinite diversity, the standard way to handle a difference of opinion is to stick to your guns, mock the others from the privacy and comfort of a confessional camera, and reduce them to tears when the judges ask, always helpfully and in the spirit of progress, who deserves to go home this week.

Confined to these miserable individuals, this would be bad enough. But it’s on TV, and you’re watching it. What, you’re not? Okay, well, you know that guy you know? HE watches it. Yeah, that’s right. Him.

Explains a lot, doesn’t it?

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