
NY Comic-Con 2012: Picture of the Entire Cartoon Universe - Overthinking It
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NY Comic-Con 2012: Picture of the Entire Cartoon Universe

[This continues our coverage of New York Comic-Con 2012.]

Here’s a New York Comic-Con find that will appeal to all of the detail-obsessed nitpickers out there: Belinkie and I stumbled across this piece of art that claims to be a “picture of the entire cartoon universe.” We stopped to ask the artist, Ray Sumser, a few questions:

Yes, we were able to think of a cartoon character that wasn’t included in the picture (you’ll have to watch the video to find out which one).

For more information on this mind-boggling piece of work, check out the Kickstarter page and the artist’s home page, where you can find a zoom-able version of the picture.

Here are some questions for discussion: How would you define “the entire cartoon universe”? Can you think of any other compilations, visual or otherwise, that strives for a similar degree of comprehensiveness? And admit it: you lost a solid 15 minutes or so panning around this ginormous image, right?

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