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Open Thread for March 16, 2012

Community Returns!

Jeff: Someone tell Britta what an analogy is.

Britta: I know what an analogy is! It’s a thought with another thought’s hat on.

Community S03E11

If that’s not a decent description of overthinking, I don’t know what is. And if there’s a series that captures the OTI spirit of impossibly broad popular culture reference, demolishing the high/low culture barrier, and fun, I don’t want to know about it. Because I will have to stop typing right now, download every season, and watch it non-stop until I collapse from exhaustion and hunger.

Community returned to NBC yesterday from what we feared would be indefinite hiatus came out swinging with an episode poking fun at the Wedding Industrial Complex, with a two level meta-commentary (hard to imagine why it struggles to find an audience) on pop culture nerds and normality.

I’m sure you watched it: What do you think?

This week in movies, 21 Jump Street squeezes in before The Hunger Games juggernaut comes rolling into town…oh, I can’t do this. Let’s do some more Community quotes:

Webster’s Dictionary? That’s the Jim Belushi of speech openings. It accomplishes nothing, everyone keeps using it, and nobody knows why!

Oh, also Apple released the The New iPad. I got one. It’s pretty awesome.

Back from a hiatus that you may have feared would be indefinite, this is your… Open Thread.

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