
Open Thread for July 29, 2011 - Overthinking It
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Open Thread for July 29, 2011

All the threads in the house, OPEN UP, OPEN UP! Wow … check these threads up in the front here. Damn.

What’s up this week? Cowboys and Aliens, the movie that promises what it says on the package, hits theaters this weekend, along with 80s retread The Smurfs. MTV celebrates its 30th birthday on Monday. Ashton Kutcher was confirmed as the newest of the Two and a Half Men (is that old news? I wasn’t paying attention).

And if you ain’t heard, the NFL is back, baby!

Comment of the Week (I remembered) goes to Monzenn on The First Non-Avenger:

One more thing: that shot of Captain America during the Holocaust (captain-america-concentration-camp) reminded me of an art exhibit I saw when I recently went to Singapore. It was entitled Superhistory, by Agan Harahap of Indonesia, and it features superheroes and other movie characters (it even had The Joker!) in famous historical shots. Too bad the exhibit is already finished, though.

That led me to a thought that would tie in nicely with this article: the fact that the superheroes fit so perfectly in these historical shots only signified that fictional characters, if they are to function most effectively as a mirror of society, should not be removed from the issues of their era, and that new characters should be made for the new generation.

Honorable mention goes to the guy who called us a “bunch of red assholes” in the comment thread of “Game of Thrones and the Aesthetics of Fascism,” and Tulse for reminding the newbie of our URL.

Would you watch Chad Ochocinco, Daniel Craig and Ashton Kutcher do a cover of “Video Killed the Radio Star”? What about if Papa Smurf played them out? Or is there something we missed? Sound off in the comments, for this is your … Open Thread.

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