
Open Thread for January 1, 2010 - Overthinking It
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Open Thread for January 1, 2010

You won't see glasses like this for another thousand years.

Happy New Year! We bid a fond farewell to celebratory new year’s novelty glasses with zeros for eyes and give a warm welcome to the 20-tens. Or is it 20-teens?

The beginning of a new year is traditionally a time to take stock, start a diet, and make some positive changes in your habits. (For this reason, if you’re a regular gym goer, you’d be well advised to take a few years off. The weight room is going to be packed this month, there is no hope of snagging a treadmill for the next few weeks. Don’t worry, the newbies will be gone by Valentine’s Day.)

But not all resolutions are self-improving. Or should I say, not all self improvement takes that much resolve. Yeah, yeah: More exercise; less procrastination; quit smoking; better diet. But what about the most important diet of all, your diet of pop culture?

Are you set to eliminate flab and eat your cultural Wheaties? Or are you going to relax and enjoy yourself more? Whatever it is, let us know about it.

Question: What are your pop culture resolutions for the new year and new decade?

And, as ever, the pop culture bandwagon rolls on. 2009 was a record $10-billion year for the movie business (though you wouldn’t know it to hear them whine about how piracy is going to put them in the poorhouse). Think they can repeat their successes in the new year?

Question (The Iron Man 2 Memorial Question): What future classics and cultural artifacts slated for 2010 are you most looking forward 2? (Oops. Did I say “2” instead of “to”? I must have Iron Man 2 on the brain.)

These (and all other topics) are fair game. For this… is YOUR open thread.

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